Different school environments contribute to poor performance in the schools in this area and necessitated the need to investigate on the school and home environment affecting the academic results in Uselu secondary school. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between school environment, psychological environment and home environment and how they all influence the academic performance of the students. Descriptive survey design was used. The target populations were students, and teachers from public secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area. Random sampling was used in selecting the population sample. Instruments for data collection were questionnaires for teachers and students. Data was collected in selected schools in the division using the questionnaire designed. The data was then processed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Piloting of the instruments was done at Uselu secondary school. The results were intended to guide stakeholders in improving the school environment with a view to improving student’s performance. From the study findings, the study concluded that the major factors hindering students’ performance were lack of teaching and learning resources, lack of adequate physical facilities, very high TPR. The ratio of the latrines for both genders was very high and therefore the hygiene and sanitation facilities were not adequate and therefore low cleanliness of the toilets rendered the school environment non conducive for learning. The lack of learning and teaching resources negatively influenced the students’ performance. The teachers used participatory method of teaching as they allowed the students to ask questions. The participatory method of teaching by the teachers served to enhance the school environment as the students were part of the learning process. The school environment at students’ homes was not conducive for learning which contributed to poor performance. The school environment at home was highly non-conducive for learning and therefore the students’ performance was negatively affected. The study recommends that to avert the problem of declining students’ academic performance in schools the government and other stakeholders should invent new policies and strategies to improve the school environment. The school management and other policy makers in the education sector should sensitize the parents and students on ways of improving the home environment and make it more conducive for learning.
Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Background of the Study
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Background of the Study:
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